1. Does current water well system meet latest codes?
2. Is the well head secure?
- Proper well cap
- Electrical conduit secure?
- Well casing a minimum of 8” above grade?
- Does the casing show any signs of damage or corrosion?
- Does the area around the well head slope away from the well?
- Is it free of leaves, grass or other debris?
3. Is the water pressure tank in proper working order?
- Air to water ratio correct?
- Any fittings leaking?
- Pressure gauge operating properly?
- Tank cycling properly?
4. Is the water well pump working properly?
- Does pump meet current water well code?
- Does pump draw correct amperage?
- Does pump motor ohm properly?
- Does pump deliver adequate gallons per minute?
WELL RECORDS – Historical records such as the original water well completion report, subsequent modifications or repairs are important documents that can aid the groundwater professional should a problem occur. It is recommended that a special file or folder be started to keep track of this information. It should also be passed on to future property owners. We can contact the Illinois/Wisconsin State Water Survey Departments on your behalf and look up a copy of the water well completion report if one does not exist.
(Source: Wisconsin Well Association and the National Ground Water Association)