1. Does current water well system meet latest codes?

2. Is the well head secure?

  • Proper well cap
  • Electrical conduit secure?
  • Well casing a minimum of 8” above grade?
  • Does the casing show any signs of damage or corrosion?
  • Does the area around the well head slope away from the well?
  • Is it free of leaves, grass or other debris?

3. Is the water pressure tank in proper working order?

  • Air to water ratio correct?
  • Any fittings leaking?
  • Pressure gauge operating properly?
  • Tank cycling properly?

4. Is the water well pump working properly?

  • Does pump meet current water well code?
  • Does pump draw correct amperage?
  • Does pump motor ohm properly?
  • Does pump deliver adequate gallons per minute?

WELL RECORDS – Historical records such as the original water well completion report, subsequent modifications or repairs are important documents that can aid the groundwater professional should a problem occur. It is recommended that a special file or folder be started to keep track of this information. It should also be passed on to future property owners. We can contact the Illinois/Wisconsin State Water Survey Departments on your behalf and look up a copy of the water well completion report if one does not exist.

(Source: Wisconsin Well Association and the National Ground Water Association)

How can we help you?

We believe that every water well owner should be completely informed on the technical aspects of groundwater maintenance, well construction and the pumping system.

“I appreciated the detailed description that was included with the quote. Your company worked around my schedule and defined convenience to the max! I will be recommending you to all of my family, friends and co-workers!”

Kristen H.

For Service or an Emergency Contact us at 815-385-0414 or 800-338-0213